Some news, and a thank you

After thirteen years in the Executive Director chair at SEF, it is time for me to move on.

This role has been a highlight of my life, and mostly because of the front row seat it has given me to witness the amazing, community-changing work accomplished by SEF’s clients. It has been an unforgettable privilege I shall always treasure. I have been blessed and inspired by the support of many outstanding colleagues, board members and ecosystem partners from across the city, the province and the country to create something that is both new and very traditional at the same time, namely community coming together to bring out the best in community.

But now, after more than 110 investments and over $90M placed, it’s time for someone else to take over this front row seat, and for me to take on new challenges. I won’t be disappearing immediately, and have been asked to help in the search for and transition of the next Executive Director, which we think may take until late summer. (Watch for a job posting sometime soon!)

I also look forward to having opportunities to work on other projects in Canada’s social finance ecosystem, including my work on the Social Innovation Advisory Council to the federal government. If you have an idea of something where you think I might bring some value, please reach out.

Thank you again for the trust you have put in me, and for always challenging me to do better. It has been an honour.

Jane Bisbee
Executive Director (for now)
Social Enterprise Fund
June 2024